Water purification industry information

Buying a water purifier depends not only on the brand, but also on these parameters

Views : 54421
Update time : 2021-11-30 16:14:18
When choosing a water purifier, everyone knows to choose a well-known brand and buy it from regular channels. But this is not enough. You also need to understand the various parameters of the water purifier in order to choose the most suitable product according to the actual situation of the family. So, what parameters should be considered when buying a water purifier?

1. Applicable water pressure

High-floor users in cities and most rural users have higher water pressure requirements when using water purifiers. To meet this demand, many water purifiers have their own booster pumps. When purchasing a water purifier, users can describe in detail the condition of their own water supply channels so that the staff can recommend the most suitable water purifier to you.

2. Purified water flow (flux)

AICKSN-RO-600DZ direct drinking water purifier
The greater the flow rate of a water purifier, the more people's drinking and water needs can be met. Of course, its price also increases as the flux increases. Take the pure water machine as an example, if it is a typical family of three, and the daily water demand is not large, then the 75G flux water purifier can meet the daily drinking water demand; if the family has a large population, and there is a demand for water and drinking water , It is recommended to choose a pure water machine above 400G and supporting dual outlet systems.

Three rated total water purification

Rated total water purification is often overlooked, but in fact, it is an important indicator of the practicality of a water purifier. When the rated total water purification capacity of a water purifier is exhausted, the filter membrane and filter element need to be replaced. Therefore, when buying a water purifier, it is best to choose a product with a larger rated total water purification capacity, so as to avoid frequent replacement of the filter element and save the cost of use.

Four applicable water temperature and ambient temperature

According to the common sense of physics, when the water temperature is lower, the viscosity is higher, and the water output will continue to decrease (the applicable temperature of the water purifier is 3~40℃). When the ambient temperature or water temperature is not within the applicable range, it is recommended to stop using it to avoid damage. Aicksn's water purifier products have been tested for high and low temperature water before leaving the factory to ensure a more stable work efficiency.

Five approval number

The approval number, also known as the water approval document, is an important indicator of whether the water purifier product has been approved by the health department. If a water purifier does not have a standard approval document number, or is marked with a false approval document number, its quality is basically unreliable. There are many brands of water purifiers, and many small water purifier manufacturers may not have wading approval. Consumers must keep their eyes open when choosing to avoid damage to their rights.
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