Water purification industry information

Is it necessary to install a Water Purifier System for tap water?

Views : 4495
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-06-27 17:05:19
Is it necessary to install a water purifier?

Generally speaking, tap water can be drunk directly after being treated and disinfected by the water plant. The water plant will filter, sterilize and chlorinate the tap water to ensure the safety and hygiene of the water quality. But Susan recommends that you install a water purifier. Next, Susan will explain to you from three aspects~

1. Water quality

If the quality of local tap water is good, meets the drinking water standards, and has been treated and disinfected by the water plant, then there may be no need to install a water purifier. But if there are problems with the water quality, such as high concentrations of heavy metals, organic matter, bacteria or viruses, then installing a water purifier can provide safer and healthier drinking water.

2. Health needs

Some people are sensitive to the taste of chlorine in tap water or are allergic to chlorine. They may need to install a water purifier to remove chlorine and other tastes in the water. If there are family members with low immunity, such as infants, pregnant women, the elderly or people with chronic diseases, they may have higher requirements for water quality, and a water purifier can provide safer drinking water.

3. Convenience and economy

Installing a water purifier can provide filtered water that is available at any time. It is more convenient because there is no need to buy and carry bottled water. Most importantly, long-term use of a water purifier may save the cost of water use in the family.

When choosing a water purifier, we can consider the following three aspects

1. Filtration technology of water purifier

Different water purifiers use different filtration technologies, such as activated carbon, RO membrane, ultraviolet sterilization, etc. We can choose the appropriate filtration technology according to the water quality of our home. If the water quality is poor or the water contains harmful substances such as heavy metals, you can choose a multi-stage filtration water purifier to ensure purer water quality.

2. Convenience of using a water purifier

There are many styles of water purifiers on the market now, including wall-mounted, desktop, and countertop. We should choose the right style according to the space and usage habits of our own kitchen. In addition, the life of the filter element of the water purifier is also a factor that needs to be considered. Generally, the longer the life of the filter element, the better, which can reduce the frequency of replacing the filter element.

3. Brand and after-sales service of water purifier

Choosing a well-known brand of water purifier can guarantee product quality and after-sales service. You can choose a reliable brand by checking user reviews, consulting friends or family members, etc.Aicksn is your good choice!

Warranty period and after-sales service are also factors that need to be paid attention to, so that we can get timely help and solutions when we encounter problems during use.

So, it is very necessary to install a water purifier for tap water. Installing a water purifier can effectively reduce the risk of ingesting harmful substances when we drink tap water, improve the taste of water, reduce living costs, and contribute to the environment. I hope Susan’s sharing today can remind most people to pay more attention to the quality of tap water and protect our health and quality of life.
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