Water purification industry information

The benefits of using a whole house water filter

Views : 51273
Update time : 2021-10-18 11:41:10
The whole house water purification system provides filtered water from every faucet and shower room in your home. This type of system filters the water at the entrance, ensuring that all water is filtered, and ensuring that the water quality in your home is consistent. Installing a whole house system can give you peace of mind because it can remove irritating and dangerous pollutants and provide potentially safer and healthier water.
 whole house water purification system
Potential health risks of chlorinated water and chloramines

Studies have shown that exposure to chlorinated water can cause asthma. In addition, chlorine is associated with the outbreak of dermatitis. In a study in 46 communities in central Wisconsin, the chlorine content in the water was between 0.2 and 1 mg/L, and the higher chlorinated water content was associated with higher serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. Researchers speculate that chlorine and calcium in drinking water may interact in ways that affect lipid levels. A population-based case-control study of adults who were exposed or not exposed to chlorinated water for a long time (more than half their lives) found that people who drink chlorinated water have a higher risk of bladder cancer than those who do not drink chlorinated water. The number of people in the water increases.

Chloramine is a mixture of chlorine and ammonia, not as effective as chlorine alone. Chloramine exists in three different forms: monochloramine, dichloramine and trichloramine. Although these three are respiratory irritants, trichloramine is the most toxic. Chloramine vapors from showers, bathtubs, hot tubs, dishwashers and other household appliances contain volatile chemicals. After inhalation, it will irritate the respiratory tract. Long-term exposure to chloramines is also related to health problems affecting the skin, digestive tract/gastric tract, kidneys and blood.

The benefits of using a whole house water filter
Once chlorine, chloramines and other potentially dangerous disinfectants enter the plumbing system of the home, filter them to reduce them
Provide cleaner, filtered water from every water source in the house
Remove sediments and major pollutants from the water
Extend the service life of water-using equipment such as hot water tanks, washing machines, dishwashers, and coffee makers, because the water entering these equipment is pollution-free.
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