Water purification industry information

Why install whole house water purification equipment

Views : 55986
Update time : 2021-12-23 11:43:42
When it comes to whole-house water purification, some people will ask such questions: Why do we choose whole-house water purification? With a kitchen water purifier, wouldn’t it be healthy to clean the drinking water? Is it true?

How can domestic water be considered healthy?

Relevant research data of the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the main way "harmful substances in water" are absorbed by the human body is not only drinking water, but also may be inhaled through the skin and respiratory tract. Using clean water will prevent 80% of diseases! Therefore, the World Health Organization calls: "Domestic water and drinking water should follow the same standard!"

Skin and breath will also drink "dirty water"

Everyone is familiar with oral intake of "dirty water", such as drinking water, making tea, boiling soup, cooking... These are all entered into our mouths through "eating and drinking". But most people find it difficult to understand. How do the skin and breath absorb the pollutants in the water? Mainly the following two points:

Drinking water "small mouth" on the skin
Our skin is made up of thousands of small open mouths-pores, and they need to drink water every day. For an unsuitable example, female friends who love beauty may notice that the air humidity in autumn and winter is low, and the skin will be dry; and if it is rainy, our skin will be relatively moist. This is because when the skin is in contact with water (or water molecules), the pores suck in the water. In the same way, when we wash our hands and take a bath, the water is also "drinked".

Fog and steam change the form of "water"

Do you remember the white "water vapor" that evaporates during the bath? This is because some water molecules are floating in the air due to high temperature vaporization/atomization. When we take a bath or sauna, these water molecules will enter the body along with our breath. Imagine that since water molecules can enter the human body through the skin and breathing smoothly, how can harmful substances hidden in water molecules that are dozens or even hundreds of times smaller than them, "kindly" stop outside of our body? In the past two years, the "visible" smog has aroused everyone's attention and attention, but in fact, the "invisible" serious water problem cannot be ignored.

Whole house water purification
It is to get a better and healthier drinking and water experience!

A complete whole house water purification system consists of a pre-filter,

Central water purifier, central water softener

It is composed of several parts of the terminal direct drinking machine,

They treat domestic water and drinking water according to the different needs of household water to ensure water safety.

Pre-filter: the first level of water treatment in the whole house, filtering large particles of impurities such as rust, sediment, and suspended solids.

Central water purifier: Purify the water of the whole house and effectively remove residual chlorine, rust, silt, various organics and chemicals in the water.

Water softener: replace the calcium and magnesium ions in the water, soften the water quality, prevent fouling causing pipeline blockage and equipment damage, and provide more comfortable domestic water, such as bathing, beauty, etc., effectively saving the amount of detergent, and the clothes are soft and color after washing. Bright.

Reverse osmosis water purifier: remove all impurities in the water including heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, and the purified water can be directly drunk. Aicksn smart water purifier, in order to improve the taste of water, retain the elements needed by the human body, and greatly improve the water activity.

Therefore, from a long-term perspective, if we want to synchronize the drinking and consumption of water in our homes and protect our own health and the health of our family members, "whole house water purification" is necessary. Aicksn whole house water purification, all-round protection of clean drinking water health and safety!
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